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12 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 1/1/1988

I am the Queen of peace. I come here because this is my mission. This is the first day of the year, my children, in which I invite you to pray for peace. Dear sons and daughters, the time for conversion is coming to an end. For this I come here to prepare you, because I want everybody to be saved. Dear children, I am the mother of Jesus, and your mother. Those who turn to My Son will not be left unaided. I am the mother of all peoples, without distinction; no mother wants to see her child suffering, and for this I ask of you , if you want to be happy, an urgent conversion. I ask your help so I can win this great battle. Have faith, my children, and the victory will be ours. This is a very happy day for me and my Son. Stop sinning and you will make us happy forever. Make us happy and you will have your reward. I bless you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

Note: About the messages, Our Lady said, Dear children, don´t let my messages be just anything.Know how to respect them and I tell you, “stay with them, and you won´t be sorry.”

13 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 1/2/1988

Dear sons and daughters. Pray, pray, and by your prayers my great victory will come. Keep praying and pardon your neighbor. Don´t let your thoughts dwell on evil. Think more on God, and forget about everything evil that exists in this world. I ask your help, since only with everybody helping will my victory be a victory for all time. Keep on praying the rosary. The world can only be saved by praying the rosary. Many are ashamed to pray, and others pray just because they see others praying, but it shouldn´t be that way. My children, when you pray, pray with your hearts. Stay in peace.

14 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 1/9/1988

Dear children, be careful with false prophets; they deceive. Nobody can see the future. Only God knows what should and what should not happen. Whoever looks in the future and says things that puts brother against brother, and even says he works for God, is a false prophet. In spite of everything, there is still a chance for these sons to save themselves, abandoning this wayward life and being converted. There are many religions that deny my existence, but be it known that I exist and am present among all of you. Everybody that believes in the Immaculate Heart of your Mother, will not be left unaided. Be converted, my children, be converted. Stay in peace.

15 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 1/16/1988

Dear children, this world could be a world of peace, but sin doesn´t let it be! It doesn´t happen because everybody works for sin to increase day by day, and with this, satan is happy, and I, my sons, what about me! Imagine! I know that victory will be mine, but I want to tell you now, prepare yourselves to win with me. But this will only be possible with the conversion of everybody. If you respond to my appeal, My Son will give each one a brilliant recompense. My children, you are dear to me. Stay in peace.

16 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 1/23/1988

Dear children, you can´t imagine the great marvels God will Grant through my intercession. So many! Many don´t know how to benefit from them. Dear children, the lack of faith is taking count of the whole world. Oh, how this hurts my heart. How My Son suffers on account of this. Jesus created the Catholic church, my children, and my dear son, the Pope, is at its forefront to govern it. Everything here is bound by the Pope, with the support of My Son. Dear children, be Catholics, and live the faith. Stay in peace.

17 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 1/30/1988

Dear children, I ask you with all my heart of a mother who loves you so much, don´t commit adultery, for Jesus is much offended with this. Why do you commit adultery, my children? Do you think this is right?Those who think they will enter the reign of heaven committing adultery are wrong. Persons committing adultery are giving great aid to satan, for this is his work.

Dear children, many say God is not bothered by this. Whoever says this is wrong. Stay in peace.

Our Lady speaks to us about her most chaste spouse, St. Joseph:

Saint Joseph was always just and faithful before God. Although he suffered much, he never stopped doing good. He received the marvels of God and gave his faithfulness in return. Saint Joseph was a man always generous with God, yes. He was a goodhearted man with a great sense of responsibility. Saint Joseph will always be an example of manhood that God left for the whole world. Stay in peace.

18 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 2/6/1988

Dear children, don´t be fooled by things that many say will bring joy and happiness, as, for instance, the carnival. Dear children, carnival is a diabolic feast, and whoever participates in this type of festival is giving a good help to satan. If you want my advice, I tell you, don´t participate in this type of festival, because it is a festival in which satan is present from beginning to end. If you knew what could happen when you go to carnival, you would never go again. Stay in peace.

19 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 2/13/1988

Dear children, I say these simple words to you so they may serve as an urgent alert for everybody, be converted. Conversion is necessary for the salvation of all of you. Without conversion, salvation is impossible. So I beseech you, be converted, abandon sin and do something for yourselves. I hope one day to receive all of you in my heart. But help me to do this. Any one of you who converts na atheist is ,for me, is a sign of victory. Help me convert atheists, since they too are my children. I don´t want a single one of them to be lost. Please help me. Stay in peace.

Note: Our Lady spoke to us about her image.

“My image is as a photo. Regard it as a remembrance, and think of me when you look at it.”

20 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 2/20/1988

I especially invite each one of you to the way of salvation in this time of lent. Do penance and pray during the whole time of lent. Put in your heart only words of peace, love, compassion, and not of hate, wickedness, and condemnation. This is a time that everybody should respect, but even so, many don´t even have an idea of what lent means, and others don´t know enough to respect it. How this pains My Heart, and also the Heart of My Son, Who suffers from the sins of each one of you. Stay in peace.

21 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 2/27/1988

Dear children, remember in your hearts those who have already died, since many souls are suffering because they have no one to pray for them. There are sons who don´t understand, and don´t believe in the existence of Hell. Whoever thinks this way is wrong. Hell exists, my children, and many who have already died are there, because they didn´t believe in its existence. If each one of you stops for a moment to think about what hell is, there would be many conversions. Stay in peace.

22 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 3/5/1988

Dear children, If all you receive my appeal, you won´t be sorry. But if you continue in sin, I can´t do anything. Everything necessary is already being done for you through me. Hear and put into practice everything I tell you, my children, and if you lpay attention, My Son will repay you. There is still a chance for each one of you. Take advantage of it. All that I ask is for the good of each one of you in particular. Stay in peace.

23 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 3/12/1988

Dear children, the intelligence that men have lets them destroy themselves with their own hands. It is true that everyone knows the plans of mankind. But now I ask, who of you knows the plans of God. It is childish for men to run after something hurtful to them. And with this, those who most suffer are the poor children who in reality have nothing to do with the machinations of these persons. I consider them baby-men. Stay in peace.

24 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 3/19/1988

Dear children, today Saint Joseph is at my side. This humble creature of God is here to give you a special blessing.

Saint Joseph: “Dear children, it is not by chance that we are here. Be sure of this. I leave a little of myself in each one of you. May the peace of Jesus penetrate your hearts. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

25 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 3/26/1988

Dear children, the world is at the brink of great dangers. If you are not converted, I don´t know what will become of you. I come to this world to tell everybody that Jesus wants the salvation of each one in particular. This is the time of conversion, Awaited by Jesus for so long. My children, don´t play with the things of God. I am here because... and this is very painful for all. Stay in peace.

26 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, at Church of Bonfim of Fair, transmitted in 3/27/1988

Dear children, many times I knock at the door of your hearts, but you don´t give me a chance to enter. Why? Don´t you know my mission is to prepare you to be saved. So give me a chance. I need this chance from each one of you. All I want for you, my children, is salvation.This, and nothing else, is important. Stay in peace.

27 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 4/1/1988

Dear children, today is Good Friday. All is consummated. These are the last words of My Son Jesus. And He dies. In the long years of His childhood I saw His Most Holy Body grow. I was present at the most sorrowful moments of His passion. Oh, what suffering! Today I am again at the foot of the cross. And I see an even greater suffering. His sorrowful suffering is renewed each day. Stay in peace.

28 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 4/2/1988

Dear children, I don´t come to the world to force anyone. I come to give you something very special. PEACE. I come with sorrow in my heart to say to you; Jesus will show men that He is worthy of respect. They aren´t respecting My Son. It should not be that way. Jesus is your Father. Know how to respect Him. I feel very sorry for all of you, my children. Have a great respect for me and listen to what I say. One day you will call for me. I will attend everybody, but I also ask for colaboration from everybody. Stay in peace.

29 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 4/9/1988

Dear children, many people go to protestant churches thinking they are of God. They are wrong. The people who take part in these are on the way to perdition for sure. Dear children, the religion founded by My Son, and which is of living faith, is Catholic. The rest are from the devil. Stay in peace.

30 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 4/16/1988

Dear children, Masonry, with its deceiving tatics, works in hidden ways to destroy my church. Know, my sons, that there is no salvation for those who take part in masonry, for they are followers of Lúcifer. Persons who desire salvation will gain it by serving only God, and not by serving God and the devil. Stay in peace.

31 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 4/23/1988

All of you can colaborate in the salvation of many sons and daughters who are on the way to perdition. Just look for the good will in each one. Keep on praying for my plans to be realized. Thank you for everything. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

32 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 4/26/1988

Dear children, the moments I passed with you were marvelous, and will continue to be so, for I will not leave you alone. I will continue to be with you on Tuesdays. This is the surprise I kept for you. As for the people who don´t accept my counsels, no problem. If they are not willing, what can I do? For those who accept and fulfil them, thank you. They will receive a marvelous recompense. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

33 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 4/30/1988

Dear children, I will be very happy if the families begin to pray at least one hour a day. If someone asks you why so much prayer, tell them, my dear children, that there is an urgent need for conversion. Fear not. Be confident. Pray that the desired peace comes for everyone. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

34 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 5/5/1988

Dear children, I would like to have each one of your hearts in my hands, to take you to Jesus, for He is the only one who can save you. If you want to solve your problems, turn to Jesus, The Savior. No one should go to false prophets to resolve problems, for they work in the name of God to deceive children who are not well informed. I cry when I see some of my children going to spiritism and condomble thinking they will solve their problems, but they end up multiplying those problems. These false prophets are already condemned to hell and they want to take my innocent children with them. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

35 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 5/7/1988

Dear children, you ask for the wrong things in your prayers. Ask rather for the Holy Spirit, for he who has the Holy Spirit has everything. I am your mother and come to teach you the way that will lead you to God. Continue to pray that my plans be realized. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

36 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 5/7/1988

Dear children, tomorrow is Mothers Day and also my day. I ask you, since I too am a mother, mother of Him Who one day died nailed to the cross to save the world. There are many who say that Mary is not a virgin. After Jesus she had other children. Those who say this are false prophets. Jesus is my only Son, and the others that I have are all of you. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

37 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 5/10/1988

Dear children, I promise to help, in the hour of their death, all those who help make known my messages. Many persons come here, take the messages home, but don´t put them in practice. Why? Know, my children, graces will be abundant for those who put into practice my appeals in these messages. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

38 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 5/13/1988

Dear children, remember today my coming to earth in the poor cove of Iria, in the year 1917. I come from heaven to ask the conversion of all peoples and the consecration to My Immaculate Heart. My children who hear my appeals today are happy, very happy. So many years have passed, and still today, men continue to offend God. Why, my children? Today, for me, is a very happy day, and I hope it is for you too. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

39 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 5/14/1988

Dear children, I am the Queen of Peace. I come to bring peace to this world. Each one of you in particular needs to be converted so that the longed for peace comes to all. Dear children, I recommend weekly confession. If christians begin to reconcile themselves with God and with men and women at least once a week, very soon entire regions would be spiritually cured. And I would feel very happy. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

40 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 5/21/1988

Dear children, I want to receive you today in the cenacle of My Immaculate Heart and together we will invoke the gift of the Holy Spirit. Come, O Holy Spirit. And protect the holy Catholic Church. I am always present in your midst, my dear children, just as I was with the apostles and disciples in the cenacle at Jerusalém, to protect you and take you from the way to perdition. Come, Holy Spirit, to protect this dear Brazil. May the Holy Spirit descend upon and enlighten each and every one of you. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

41 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 5/28/1988

Dear children, I am the Woman clothed in the Sun. You are living in the time of my great battle against my adversary, the red dragon, who seeks all possible means to lead you on the way to perdition. Dear children, many of you will abandon the light of life to go to find darkness. Why? There must be a true reconciliation between men for the world to encounter the peace desired for all of you. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

42 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 6/2/1988

Dear children, Jesus, just as He is in heaven, is also here on earth, present in the Eucharist. Jesus is present in the Eucharist to strengthen the spirit of each one of us. Thank God for this. Because of the errors which nowadays burden the Catholic church, the majority being the fault of my beloved sons, I myself will correct them, once and for all. And this will happen very soon. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

43 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 6/4/1988

Dear children, don´t worry about the future, for it belongs to God. Give yourselves completely to God, for He sees and knows what you need. Christians are mistaken in looking to the future, because they think of wars and evil. For the Christian there is only one attitude regarding the future; hope of salvation. Don´t worry. I am at your side in every moment. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

44 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 6/7/1988

Dear children, you still don´t understand the meaning of the messages The Lord transmits through me. Ask the Spirit to enlighten you and you will understand better. I have the power given by God to appear anywhere in the world, to prepare you to be received as seed of good quality. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

45 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 6/11/1988

Dear children, ye do not yet know how to love and ye do not yet know how to listen with love to the messages, the words that I address to you. I am your Mother and I have come to Earth in flesh and blood to ask for the conversion of all of you. If ye want to be very happy, live ye a simple and humble life, pray ye a lot and do not go ye to the bottom of the problems, let ye God solve them. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay ye in peace.

46 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 6/14/1988

Dear children, plant the Divine Word within yourselves, and read a selection from the Gospel every day. Ask the Lord to accompany you in your prayers. If you pray with faith, you will sense the presence of My Son at your side. Ask The Father for the conversion of you and your brothers. I will pray for you. Don´t worry about your works. You need prayer before all else and the rest will become easier for you. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

47 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 6/18/1988

Dear children, you are a chosen people, and The Lord gives you so many graces, but you still don´t understand. I don´t have anything else to say but this: pray, pray, pray, in prayer you will understand my love for you, and the love of The Lord. Dear children, you should understand that you need to pray. Prayer is not a game. Prayer is talking with God. You ought to listen to God in every prayer. You can´t live without prayer. Prayer is life. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

48 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 6/21/1988

Dear children, today I ask you to renew your family prayers, and don´t be preoccupied with your problems. Pray much. I will be with you in each and every moment. My dear children, satan wants to destroy my plans. Pray that this doesn´t happen. If you only knew how many God gives you through my intercession, you would pray day and night to thank Him. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

49 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 6/24/1988

Dear children, I have affirmed on various occasions that the peace of the world is in crisis; become brothers among yourselves. Increase your pray and fasting in order to be saved. Don´t be afraid to speak the truths taught by My Son Jesus. Be like the precursor, John the Baptist, who was never afraid to teach what the Holy Spirit gave him to teach. You are fearful, my children, because you have so little faith. Don´t lose heart. Trust in the Lord. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

50 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 6/25/1988

Dear children, I come to tell the world; God is true. God exists. And in Him are happiness and fullness of Life. I come here as Queen of Peace to tell all of you that without peace the world will not encounter salvation. In God is true joy, from which comes true peace. I would be happy if all of you would begin to look to My Son Jesus. You are only thinking of me. I don´t want it that way. First remember My Son, for He is the Savior. I am just an intercessor. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

51 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 6/28/1988

Dear children, you should know that there exists only one God, and only one mediator; Jesus Christ. You still don´t understand. If you want to understand the Love of The Lord, and my love for you, you must pray. I invite you today, dear children, to abandon yourselves totally to God. God can give you all that you want, even things impossible for you. For this, all you have to have is faith. Keep on praying for my plans to be realized. Thanks for everything. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

52 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 6/29/1988

Dear children, Jesus, talking to Peter, said “What you bind on Earth is bound in Heaven, and what you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” My loves, with these words Jesus leaves no doubt the Holy Father is infallible. And so , any Christian who doesn´t obey the Holy Father, certainly is not obeying God. Here in Brazil, the Holy Church is in danger of losing the true faith, and to avoid this, priests and bishops must unite themselves to the Holy Father. Many errors are being spread within the Holy Church,, and these errors are caused by shepherds who are not united to the Pope. I ask you, dear children, to pray much for priests, for many of them will lose the faith. Satan, the father of lies, and priests will be the target of his vengeance. And so, my dear children, I need many prayers. Pray. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

* (Feast of St Peter, also birthday and name´s day if Pedro Regis.)

53 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 7/2/1988

Dear children, you should know that without prayer you cannot have peace. So, pray much before the cross for peace. The world is at the brink of great catastrophies. Pray and be converted so that nothing happens. People who do not pray cannot consider themselves christians, since they do not obey God. The most important thing I have to say to you is this, be converted as soon as possible. You don´t know what the future will bring. Pray much for the conversion of mankind. You can´t do anything if you don´t pray. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

Our Lady added:

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything. If you knew how much I love you, you would weep with joy.”

54 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 7/5/1988

Dear children, I, your Mother from Heaven, have a great love for you, but you still don´t understand: no other creature could have so much love for mankind. My beloveds, I ask you once again; pray for priests. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. But if you don´t pray, how can I win this battle? All I want is to lead you on the way to salvation, nothing more. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

55 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 7/9/1988

Dear children, nowadays, the scandals caused by bishops and priests who don´t obey the Vicar of My Son greatly afflict this mother´s heart of mine, and they lead a great number of my poor sons on the path of error.There are many bishops and priests who want to go their own way, without hearing or following the Holy Father, creature that Jesus put as the foundation of His Church. It is sad, dear children, but is the truth. If priests and bishops don´t obey the Holy Father, the Holy Church could lose the true faith. How can it be that so many wrong things are happening, how? Keep on praying. My loved ones, I still need much prayer. Thanks for everything. The Lord will repay you. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

56 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 7/12/1988

Dear children, place in your houses the images of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Consecrate yourselves every day to the Sacred Hearts. Dear children , pray the rosary every day, with the joyful, sorrowful, and glorious mysteries. Keep on praying for priests. Pray that my plans be realized. Actually, here in Brazil, a great number of priests don´t preach the truths taught by Jesus, which we find in the holy Gospels. Error spreads itself everywhere. Only you, my loved ones, can help me with your prayers. Satan seeks every possible manner to destroy my plans. Pray that he doesn´t succeed. Dear children, my victory also depends on you. Help me. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

57 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 7/16/1988

Dear children, my beloved children, come back to preaching the gospel of My Son with love, courage, and fidelity. Seek to unite yourself with my other beloved sons, so that my plans may be realized. Your sufferings will increase day by day.The crisis fermenting in my church will come to open rebellion, coming especially from many of my Sons who participate in the priesthood of My Son Jesus. Not only here in Bahia, but in all Brazil, my adversary is trying to take the greatest possible number of priests on the road to perdition. Know, my sons, that Brazil is much loved and protected by me, your Mother from heaven. So, my sons, don´t be offended by what I say to you. The truth needs to be made clear. Here in Brazil a great number of priests don´t guide their flocks with love and fidelity. Apostasy is now spreading in the whole church, which is even betrayed by many of its bishops. My beloved sons, unite yourselves to the Pope, John Paul II, that his plans too may be realized. You have the right to help many of these sons who are on the way to perdition. For this you were called by Jesus. Look at the situation of my church and you will understand better why I say this. To all, my special blessing in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

58 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 7/19/1988

Dear children, today I invite all of you to love your neighbor. Above all, love those who want to hurt you. My loves. There should be on your part a general return to God as soon as possible, but many are not ready for this. Every day, mankind is further from God, and every day more people do not want to follow His law. Don´t wait for God to give you a sign for you to convert. Be converted. Continue to pray for priests. Pray that satan can´t destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. Stay in peace.

59 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 7/23/1988

Dear children, my beloved children; don´t let error and immorality spread within my church. Be courageous. Doon´t be afraid to say the truth. I will protect you with my maternal mantle. I am very preoccupied with the salvation of mankind. My beloved children, it is for this that I am here. Don´t worry if so and so doesn´t believe in my appearances. I prefer the hearts of those who believe without seeing. Today, my most beloved son, the Pope John Paul II, suffers betrayal, and is abandoned by many. Even his nearest co-workers disobey him and frequently show antipathy. My dear sons, the disobedience of many of you opens a profound wound in the heart of the Holy Father. How this hurts my heart. My beloved sons, obey the Holy Father so his plans may come to pass, and mine too. The world is not yet lost, even though it góes on the path of perdition and self-destruction. My special blessing to all in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

60 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 7/26/1988

Dear children, I invite each one of you to live in the grace and love of God. My loved ones, you are prone to commit sin, and without realizing it, put yourselves in satan´s hands. So I ask you to decide consciously for God, struggling against the devil. I am the mother of everybody , and for this reason I want to lead all of you to complete sanctity. I want all of you happy on earth and that each one be with me in heaven. Dear children, this is the purpose of my coming here, and is my desire. Don´t be imagining the great marvels that God concedes through my intercession. Pray and you will understand better. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I love all of you, my dear children with heartfelt love. Give me a little of your love too! I bless you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen, Stay in peace.

61 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 7/30/1988

Dear children, I am here on an important mission. The time of the Great Decisive Battle has come. This is my hour. This, too, is your battle, for the victorious action of the celestial conductor, the woman clothed with the sun, will become more manifest. But still for half a time I must remain in retreat in the desert. Here I perform great prodigies in silence, hidden. The desert where I am hidden is you, my sons , consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. And you heart has become arid from so many wounds in a world where rebellion against God and His law is spreading. A world that is marked by a hatred and violence spreading in a threatening way. The Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, a victim who immolates himself more each day, for the salvation of the world, asks me for peace for mankind, and especially, with unceasing prayers, for which he solemnly proclaimed plan of God, and He is the commander of the highest plans. My special blessing to all, in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

62 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 7/30/1988

Dear children, there is only one thing I desire from you; that all of you be converted as soon as possible. I, your mother am here and desire to lead you to God. My loved ones, I invite each one of you to participate daily in the Holy Mass. Go and pray. Don´t look at the others, and don´t criticize them. Participate with humility and reverence. The Mass represents the highest form of prayer. Continue. Continue to pray. Pray for priests. Pray for the conversion of mankind. Pray that my plans be realized. Thank you for everything! I bless you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

63 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 8/2/1988

Dear children, God wants you to become saints. For this, He invites you through me to totally abandon yourselves to Him, to God. My beloved, pray much for humanity. You will only find peace for the world if you know how to honor God. But don´t honor Him only with your lips, but with your heart. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

64 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 8/6/1988

Dear children, today I invite all of you to make a courageous public witness. All of you should give a witness of union by a strong adhesion to the Pope and bishops united to him. Be courageous defenders of the pontiff and openly denounce those who are against his magisterium by teaching contrary to what he says. Today, a great number of bishops, priests, religious, and laity no longer believe. They have already lost the true faith in Christ and His gospel. The church of Christ is wounded by the malevolent contact by the immorality and apostasy that now spread themselves within it. An increasing number of my innocent children walk in the darkness of denial of God, lack of faith, immorality, and impiousness. Bishops and priests of the Holy Church of God, go back to teaching the true catholic moral. I encourage and bless all of you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

65 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 8/9/1988

Dear children, today I am very sad, and even cry to see so many children on the way to perdition, in spite of so many appeals of mine. Today many souls go to hell, and very few go to heaven. All this for lack of obedience to God. Keep on praying that my plans be realized. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

66 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 8/13/1988

Dear children, My Church is in darkness. My adversary is working always more clearly against the Holy Catholic Church. Today a great number of priests who celebrate the Eucharist no longer believe. Many deny the real presence of My Son Jesus, and others restrict it to the moment of the celebration of the Holy Mass or reduce it to just a spiritual or symbolic presence. The church of Christ is overshadowed by the smoke of satan. He darkens the thoughts and intelligence of many of you, my dear sons, leading you to deceit, mistrust, pride, and apathy, and through these, darkens the Holy Church of God. You all should know that the church is a place of great respect, for God, Who made Himself man, dwells there day and night. Bishops and priests of the Holy Church of God, help all my poor children flee from sin and live in the grace and love of God. I encourage and bless all of you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

67 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 8/13/1988

Dear children, open your hearts to God, Who owns all hearts. Be patient. Offer to God all your sufferings and all your problems. I want to console you in temptations. I want to fill your hearts with joy, peace, and love of God. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for priestly vocations. Pray that satan doesn´t destroy my plans. Thanks for everything. I bless all of you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

68 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 8/13/1988

Dear children, My special blessing to all of you who are fathers. May you raise your children to be good, and to be a light for the future. To all, I bless you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

* (Fathers day in Brazil)

69 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 8/16/1988

Dear children, I am your Mother raised up to Heaven. I am always at your side and desire to lead you to God. I want all of you to be converted so you can share the marvels of God with me. Live humbly. Live in the love of God. I want to prepare you. This is my desire. Today I want to thank very especially my most beloved son, Pope John Paul II, for the special homage given to me by the Holy Marian year. May the Holy Spirit strengthen and sanctify him more and more. To you, my dear sons, my thank you much. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

70 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 8/16/1988

Dear children, today I invite you to read a passage from the Gospel. Plant the divine Word in your hearts all day long, and in the evening you will fell and infinite peace. Place the bible in a conspicious place in your homes so it will attract your attention. Continue to pray for priests. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. Thanks for everything. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

71 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 8/20/1988

Dear children, here is my appeal for today: pray to the Holy Spirit. Pray the Holy Spirit enlighten you in all the difficult moments of your life. It is very important to pray to obtain the Holy Spirit. Who has the Holy Spirit has everything. It is a mistake to ask only the saints for something. The Holy Spirit is the fount of peace, and you need peace. Continue to pray for priests. Pray that all my plans come to pass. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

72 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 8/23/1988

Dear children, today I want all of you, old and young alike, to know the commandments of God. I want you to know the commandments of God. Put them in practice. This is what I want. Thus, each one of you may be sanctified more and more. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for priestly vocations. Pray for peace for mankind. Pray that satan doesn´t destroy my plans. Thanks for everything. The Lord will repay you. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

73 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 8/23/1988

My Daughters, you console My Heart. I can hardly thank you for your tenderness for me. Don´t let anything impure change your thoughts. Continue firm in the faith. I will bless and protect you. Thank you. Thank you, my daughters. I love you. Thank you.

* (Message to a group of girls and women at the apparitions.)

74 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 8/27/1988

Dear children, today I want to reveal a spiritual secret to you: if you want to be strong in the trials of satan and sin, hear me. To have an active conscience you need to pray much in the morning, read a text from the Gospel, and put it into your lives. Call on Jesus at various times during the day in order to live that Word of the Gospel within you. Thus, the Word will increase within you and the space for sin will disappear. I want you to continue to pray the rosary. By praying the rosary mankind will encounter peace. Continue praying for priests. Pray for priestly vocations. Pray that my plans be realized. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

75 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 8/27/1988

Dear children, to you who on the day of your marriage promised before Christ to be faithful, be patient. Don´t deceive yourselves with worldly things and vanities. Be honest with your wife, so that the kingdom of God will be ennobled by your faithfulness. Take care of your children. Teach them the way to truth, which is the way to God. You know, my children, that to realize my plans, I need your help. Thank you for everything. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

76 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 8/30/1988

Dear children, I want you to prepare to receive the pilgrim image of Fátima when it visits Feira de Santana, whose patron saint is my most holy mother. It is my presence among you. I desire that the people open their hearts to God, so that there be many conversions, and that I may realize great prodigies. In Fátima, when I appeared to the three little shepherds, I asked for unceasing rosaries so mankind may encounter peace. Today I return, appearing in various places in the world to make the same request. Within this year will happen great events which I foretold in Fátima. Open your hearts to God so that you may be sanctified. Thanks for everything. The Lord will repay you. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

77 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 9/3/1988

Today I invite each one of you to flee from sin, to detest sin, and to live in the Grace and love of God. Also I invite you to the way of complete holiness, so I may realize my plans in you. My beloveds, you should know what prayer means. People sometimes pray in the wrong way, for they go to sanctuaries to ask for graces. But there are very few who seek the Holy Spirit. Whoever receives the Holy Spirit receives everything. So pray that the Holy Spirit comes on earth and all problems will be resolved. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray that satan can´t destroy my plans. Thanks for everything. The Lord will repay you. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

78 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 9/6/1988

Dear children, the devil is furious. He tries in every way to lead you on the path of sin. Pay attention; people who decide to totally abandon God become the main target of satan. He will do everything to withdraw you for the way to holiness and especially from God. This week satan wants to block all my plans. Pray that he doesn´t manage to. Combat the devil with penance and prayer. Fast from six in the morning to six in the evening. Satan hates people who pray and are converted. Fear not. Do whatever I say. Satan will not have the courage to tempt you. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

79 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 9/10/1988

Dear children, today I thank each one of you who was with the weapon of great victory in hand: the ROSARY. Also I especially want to thank all my beloved children who received me with love and tenderness this afternoon. Dear children, wherever goes my image, the pilgrim of Fátima, I am there, just as I am here in flesh and blood. Wherever my image is carried, christians feel happy, honored with the presence of the Mother of God. I thank you once again. Thank you, my children. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

(Visit of the image of the pilgrim Our Lady of Fátima to Feira de Santana).

80 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 9/10/1988

My beloved children, now is My time, the time of the great return. The hour has arrived for the great battle between the Woman clothed by the sun and the red dragon. Now is the time of great events. The cup of divine justice is full, full up, overflowing. Wickedness covers the earth. The church of Christ is as if obscured by the spread of apostasy and sin. Only you, my beloved children, by your good will, can save it. The time that Jesus gave for the conversion of mankind is almost up. Beloved children, look to my small children who are far from God, those who become victims of satan. I need your help. I want to save them through your help. The most difficult, painful moments are about to come. This time is closer than you think. Great events which I foretold in Fátima will happen this year. I encourage and bless all of you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

81 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 9/13/1988

Dear children, I am very happy because many persons converted. Many hearts opened to God. For this I thank you. I feel a great joy in my heart when a heart opens for God. Rejoice with me. All hearts should open as soon as possible. This is what I want. Through me God wants this. With each passing day, I desire to cover you more and more with holiness. Pray, pray, pray. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray that satan will not be able to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

82 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 9/17/1988

My beloved children, I am at the front of a great battle. Your mother from heaven now leads her immense army in every point in the world. My beloved children, the presence of the heavenly leader, the woman clothed with the sun, will bring the greatest possible number of my innocent children to know the way of God. Preach again the gospel of My Son with love, courage, and fidelity.Tell all my poor children that through me, God invites them to live in love. My presence among you is marked by my images in various parts of the world weep, shedding many tears, and even tears of blood. And also the appearances I make in many regions of the world are a fragrant sign of my motherly presence. This is the fulfilment of the promise I made to the three little shepherds in the fourth apparition in Fátima. Still another sign I give you are the numberless conversions that happen wherever I appear. The peace of Jesus be with you. I bless all of you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

83 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 9/17/1988

Dear children, you should learn to bear all sufferings. Sometimes when people suffer much they lose heart and even their faith. Don´t worry. Your mother in heaven also suffered much in her life on earth. Ask The Lord to console you in all your difficult moments. Accept everything for love of God. To come to God, you must suffer much. Pray, pray, pray. I, your mother, am here ready to help you. But what I do depends on you. I bless all of you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

84 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 9/20/1988

Dear children, Humanity has forgotten God. Men no longer believe in Him. Know, my children, God exists and is present among you. If mankind keeps on acting this way, a great punishment will befall the world very soon. Satan, with his thousand faces, will lead my poor children to disobey God and His law. We will win, for evil can never rule over Good. God is with us, the victory is ours. My beloved, hear my appeals, so our victory will be even greater. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for priestly vocations. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

85 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 9/24/1988

Begin to love your enemies and adversaries. Judge not. Don´t stay bitter. Don´t keep avarice in your heart, only love. Don´t desire any evil for your enemies, instead, ask God to bless and protect them. I and My Son will give you the Grace to love them more and more. Nowadays, the great majority of people go to purgatory when they die. A certain number go to Hell. Only a minority go directly to heaven, without passing through purgatory. This happens because people don´t prepare themselves for death. They think God and his law doesn´t matter. Come back. Come back to praying for priests. Pray for priestly vocations. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

86 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 9/27/1988

Dear children, the time is near when one brother will kill another, and a father will kill his own son. Many will repent of a life lived without God, but it will be too late. Be prepared, for the time of great events is coming; the time when great secrets revealed by me in various appearances throughout the world, will be realized. Pray, my beloveds, flesh will die, but the spirit will live forever. Be attentive, open your hearts to God as soon as possible. Great happenings will have no timetable. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for priestly vocations. Pray that my plans come to pass. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

87 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 9/29/1988

Dear children, today the Church celebrates the feast of The Archangels Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael. In the struggle between The Woman clothed in the Sun and the Red Dragon, the archangels play a very important role. And so, my beloveds, let yourselves be guided by them. The angels, archangels, and all the heavenly host are united with us in a terrible combat against the dragon and his evil angels. I am the queen of the angels.The angels of light who struggle against the rebellious angels and evils of satan are under my orders. Satan, with his plots, leads my poor children to disobey God, and he already considers himself almost the winner. But your mother of heaven acts in silence with her archangels, and all are part of celestial glory, now approaching the high point of a great victory. Pray with us! The Lord placed me at the head of this great battle,The angels loved by me, Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael battle at my side. The archangel Gabriel was sent by God to receive the Yes of your mother of heaven. Now he has the task of receiving your yes in fulfillment of the law and the will of The Father. The archangel Raphael will strengthen your weakness, help you be decent before God, pour balsam on your painful wounds, and lessen the burden of your sins. The archangel Michael will defend you against all the attacks and snares of satan. How many times would you have been victim of the attacks of satan, were it not for the archangel Michael intervening in your behalf. Continue, continue, continue to pray. I need your help. Pray. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

* (First anniversary of the apparitions.)

88 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 9/29/1988

Dear children, pray thanking God for permitting me to reunite you here for a year. Pray the the Father permits me to reunite you here for many years. I am very happy. Rejoice with me. A year has gone by, how many conversions. Keep on praying that my plans be realized. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

89 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 10/1/1988

Dear children, many sons come here to wound my heart, but on the other hand, many come to alleviate my sufferings. I am your mother, my children, and I only want what is good for each one of you. I only want to make you saints for the glory of the reign of God. Thank you for everything. The Lord will reward you. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for priestly vocations. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

90 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 10/4/1988

Dear children, Satan is darkening many people´s thoughts, leading them to not believe in my presence here. Be careful, satan is doing everything in his power to take you from the path to God. Pray, pray, pray. My beloveds, I never affirmed in any place where I appeared that I come to save, for I am only an intercessor. Whoever desires to be saved must turn to Jesus Christ. Many people criticize my messages. Don´t criticize them. They come from God, and not from the devil, as many say. I am the virgin Mary, my little children, and am here to help you. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

91 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 10/8/1988

Dear children, everybody who prays the rosary gives me great joy and happiness. I feel so much joy when I see a son with the weapon of great victory in hand, repeating the words of the archangel Gabriel and taking the pray taught by My Son Jesus to the highest glory of heaven. I am the Lady of the Rosary. I promise to help at the hour of death with all the graces necessary for salvation, everybody who prays the rosary with faith every day. So that there be no doubts, this grace is given by ORDER OF MY SON JESUS. Continue to pray for priests, Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that all my plans be realized. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

92 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 10/8/1988

Dear children, get back to loving your enemies. Open your hearts to God. I want all of you humble and clean of heart, open to God. My children, God invites you to be strong and firm in faith, to live in Grace and His love. I want to make your saints for the glory of the reign of God. Open your hearts! Very soon the world will be transformed into a new world, without hate or violence. The world will be a new garden and all will live happily. Pray and be converted. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father, for he will make a very important decision for the life of the church. Pray for him. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

93 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 10/11/1988

My beloved children, I am the Woman clothed with the Sun. The Sun which clothes Me is the same Sun which illuminates you at all moments and difficulties: Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Light by which the whole world is illuminated. I too am part of this Light. This Light has a bit of Me in it. The path to which I conduct you is the one that will free all My poor children from darkness, which is provided by Satan. Beloved children, I only want to help you in the salvation of humanity, I want to help all My children who separate themselves from one another, abandoning true religion to go to encounter religions founded by men. For all this and much more, I want to help you to conquer these children who separate themselves from Christ. I encourage and bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay ye in peace.

94 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 10/12/1988

Dear children, well you know that this nation is much loved and protected by your mother in heaven. Therefore you should fear nothing. Pray and believe. Today all Brazil celebrates my feast, in which I am venerated by the name of Our Lady of Aparecida. Your mother in heaven will always protect this great nation, much loved and dear to God. Other countries also celebrate the feast of your Mother from Heaven today. Now the whole world will always be protected by me, your heavenly mother. I want to help you! Be patient, fear not. My Son and I will protect you. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

95 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 10/16/1988

Dear children, Satan, with his tricks, leads my innocent children to not believe in my presence here, and to not comply with my appeals, nor with the appeals of My Son in the holy gospels. Pay attention: pray and seek to always remain in God. I will give you great graces. Pray. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

96 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 10/19/1988

Dear children, I don´t come from heaven to force or judge anyone. I know that you are children of God and need help. For this, God sent me to prepare you. God loves you, little children, and because of this I am here. Many people wonder about my presence in various places in the world. Dear children, I am here to help you, but much depends on you. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

97 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 10/22/1988

Dear children, you all should know that peace, love, and union among brothers and sisters comes from God. You also should know that hatred, cursing, and separations in families comes from satan. So you should always be attentive. Pray much in the morning, read a text from the gospel, and live it all day long. You are not interested in the programs of God, my children. You have no time for Him. It should not be this way. Do what I say and you won´t be unhappy. I love you, my dear children, and I want to help you. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

98 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 10/25/1988

Dear children, the messages I give you are not to be left in the bottom of a drawer like simple remembrances, but rather to be read and put into practice. It doesn´t help to have the messages in hand, think them beautiful, but not do what I ask. I want to help you with these messages, my children. Put them into your lives. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

99 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 10/29/1988

Dear children, I am the Blessed Virgin Mary. I want your hearts to be purified by the Holy Spirit, so you can be more and more holy. Always remain in God. Love your enemies. Don´t keep hatred in your heart, principally for persons who never desired evil for you. Ask God to bless and protect your enemies and adversaries. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

100 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 11/1/1988

Dear children, with each day that passes, I want to cover you more with holiness. Don´t feel alone, God is with you. Today, all the Angels and Saints pray and intercede for you before The Father. And so you should be always secure and confident. I love you, my little children, and never stop interceding for you with Our Father. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that all my plans come to pass. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

* (All Saint´s Day)

101 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 11/5/1988

Dear children, when I tell you: pray, pray, pray, you shouldn´t understand that I mean just more prayer. I want to raise you to an ardent and continual desire of God. This week you will notice the presence of satan. Fear not. Pray and seek to always remain in God. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

102 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 11/5/1988

Dear children, open your hearts like a flower opens on a springtime morning. Seek to love your enemies. You don´t gain anything by hating your nieghbor. I want to make you saints for the glory of the reign of God, my little children. Pray and be converted. Pray that hardened hearts open to God as soon as possible. I want to help you, dear children, but what I do depends on you. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that all my plans come to pass. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

103 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 11/8/1988

Dear children, men have forgotten God and almost no longer believe in Him. Know, my children, that God exists and His goodness is infinite. Dear children, know that the world runs risks and is at the brink of great catastrophies. Pray and believe in God. God is no longer respected by men. Immoralities are permitted and His law is no longer respected. God loves you, little children, and for this that He (Mary asked Pedro not to transcribe something)...that the world does not know up till now. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that all my plans come to pass. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

104 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 11/12/1988

My beloved children, the time of the total purification is near. I want to lead you on the way of perfect imitation of My Son. For this, let me guide you. Bring the greatest possible number of my innocent children to know the way of truth. Come back to preaching the Gospel of My Son Jesus with courage, love and fidelity. Today, the scandals caused by priests and even bishops who don´t obey the vicar of My Son deeply wound my maternal Heart, for they drag a great number of my poor children on the way to perdition. Increasing each day that passes is the number of my poor children who hurry on the way of denial of God, lack of faith, immorality, and impiousness. Hatred, disobedience, and lack of faith cover the whole world, making it a desert without life and without love. I need you to spread the truth. Don´t feel like you are alone, beloved sons and daughters; your Mother is always with you. To all, I encourage and bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

105 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 11/15/1988

Dear children, you need to repent of the sins you have committed. God forgives you easily, my children, but you need to be sorry in order to obtain pardon. Pray and fast. Your heavenly Mother desires to lead you to heavenly glory. Open your hearts. Be always with God. I want to lead you on the way of eternal salvation. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that all my plans come to pass. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

106 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 11/19/1988

Dear children, I want you to keep on praying. I pray for and intercede for you with The Father. But, children, you have to pray too. I am ready to help you, my children; pray and be converted. Obey your parents. Pray much for them. I will be present in your prayers. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

107 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 11/22/1988

Dear children, you are the flowers in my garden. I want to bring to the presence of My Father. I love you, my children, and want to bring you to celestial glory. Be patient. Pray much. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that all my plans come to pass. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

108 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 11/26/1988

Dear children, My Appearances in many regions of the world are the last chance that God gives to mankind for its conversion. If you don´t listen to My Appeals, you will be sorry, and it could be too late. Return to God as soon as possible. Mankind is at the vespers of the most terrible scourges, and punishments. Your Mother of heaven is very preoccupied with the destiny of humanity, and so she asks of you: pray, pray, pray. I want to help you, my children. Do what I say and you will be happy. Fear not. Pray and be converted. Keep on praying. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

109 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 11/29/1988

Dear children, Bahia received from God the present of the presence of the celestial Mother. God, in His infinite mercy, had pity on you, my children, and so I am here. (Anguera, Bahia, Brazil) I don´t come to be praised, but together, to praise our good God. Soon every state in Brazil will receive the same present that Bahia received: the presence of the celestial Mother in every state of Brazil. Pray that satan doesn´t interfere with the plans of the Mother of heaven. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that all my plans come to pass. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

110 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 12/3/1988

Dear children, I am the way that will lead you to life. I am here to help you, dear children. I ask you to follow my directions which are for the good of each one of you in particular. Pay attention. Pray and remain in God. Soon, THERE WILL BE THREE CONSECUTIVE DAYS OF DARKNESS THAT NOT EVEN SCIENCE WILL KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN. ALL OF YOU WILL SUFFER MUCH IN THESE DAYS. I PROMISE TO ALL WHO ARE AT MY SIDE THAT THEY WILL NOT LACK LIGHT. I ASK YOU TO ALWAYS KEEP CANDLES BLESSED BY A PRIEST IN YOUR HOUSE. Don´t be afraid. Do what I tell you to do. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

111 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 12/6/1988

Dear children, today I ask you to prepare for Christmas with prayer, penances, and works of charity. Don´t exagerate is your worry about material things, for only in this way will you be capable of living the feast of Christmas. I want to bring you to an ardent and continous for God this Christmas, my beloveds. So begin to love your enemies and adversaries. I am not here to oblige anybody, but rather to lead you to the way of salvation. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will be forever happy. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

112 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 12/8/1988

Dear children, I am the Immaculate Conception. Before God created the Heavens, the Earth, and all that exists in it, I was already in His thoughts. At the Annunciation I was a faithful servant. I opened my arms, thanked God, and said Yes to the Truth of the Father. What suffering! But The Lord was always at my side, stengthening my spirit with His divine love. Today I am here to ask your Yes to the will of My Father and to the fulfillment of His law. I am the Blessed Virgin Mary and servant of God. I am at your disposition, ask what you like. I am here to serve you. Continue, continue to pray. Pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that all my plans come to pass. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

113 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 12/10/1988

My beloved children, these are my times, the times in which your Mother in Heaven fights satan and his evil angels. Be instruments in this great victory. Be obedient to the Vicar of My Son, Pope John Paul II. My adversary established his reign over this world and already considers himself the great winner. But your heavenly Mother works in silence and hidden, confronting the rebellious angels and evil of satan with her angels of light. My church is now being invaded by a contaminating smoke that spreads evil everywhere. My priests live in a Brazil blessed by God. The Holy Father, father of all mankind, is commanded by your Mother in heaven. I give orders and he fulfills them with a humility never before seen. The priests who obey the Vicar of My Son (the Pope) are blessed by me, and those who do not obey are invited by your Heavenly Mother to a general return. Today your heavenly Mother asks you to use the rosary as one of the most effective arms to combat the devil. I . am the Queen of priests. I want all of you at my side in order to win this great battle. I bless and encourage all in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

114 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 12/15/1988

Dear children, I am the Virgin from Heaven. I am the Queen of Peace. I am your Mother all beautiful and lovely. I am here to help you! I want to transform you into true christians, my dear children, so let me guide you. Today I invite you to reconcile yourselves to God by confession. This Christmas Jesus wants to be reborn in your hearts, so abandon yourselves to Him. Continue, continue, continue to pray. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

115 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 12/17/1988

My beloved children, these are My times. These are the times in which your heavenly Mother asks you to be faithful to the gospel of My Son. Now the moments of sorrowful purification are approaching you. Very soon apostasy will become apparent. Only those who are united to the Holy Father will be saved from shipwreck. I beseech you to preach the gospel of My Son with courage and faithfulness. Nowadays  so many do not believe the words of My Son in the Holy Gospel. My Church is internally divided and in danger of losing the true faith. Many errors are being spread within it, and the real guilty ones are the pastors who do not obey the vicar of My Son, Jesus Christ, John Paul II. Many bishops, priests, and religious are only and exclusively preoccupied with social problems. They are forgetting that Jesus died on the cross and arose to gain for us the great gift of redemption, and to save souls. And so liberation theology is spreading more and more, taking innumerable sons of mine on the way to perdition. Liberation Theology, with its deceitful tactics, works openly to destroy the gospel of My Son. All of you priests should struggle much for the salvation of humanity. Don´t be overly preoccupied with material things, So that you will be capable of imitating My Son Jesus. And you religious should pray much, and don´t try to be more than you are. Your mission is to be always in prayer before the cross. Pray for all the priests in the whole world, especially for the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II. Beloved children, my church is in darkness. You are the true light. Everything depends on you to save My Church. You should form a powerful army to combat error, immorality, and lack of faith in My Church. I count on your help. Everything depends on you. To all, I encourage and bless you in the name of the Father, and of The Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

116 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 12/20/1988

Dear children, prepare yourselves for the feast of Christmas. Open your hearts to receive the Savior who is about to be born. Today I invite you especially to love your neighbor. If you love, you will experience a very special presence of My Son Jesus this Christmas. God will give you great graces, if you abandon yourselves to Him. This Christmas I want to give my special motherly blessing to all mothers. The rest of you will be blessed by Jesus. Continue, continue, continue to pray. Pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray for Jesus to be reborn in your hearts this Christmas. I bless you in the name of the Father, and of The Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

117 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 12/24/1988

Dear children, watch with me. It is a holy night! Today your heavenly Mother relives the sad moments of the trip to Bethlehem. Having to leave the home in Nazareth was a sad moment for my heart. Chaste and good Saint Joseph and I had many moments of great affliction. It was already night and we were looking for a place to stay, but no one received us. All we found was a sorry cave and the warmth of a cow and our pack animal; our transportation during the day. Those refusals were for me and My Little One, your God, a moment of great pain. Today the same thing happens. My dear children, Jesus is rejected by many of you. At times, He knocks on the door of your hearts to ask a favor and you refuse. On that night we received many heavenly visitors: millions of His angels came to adore Him. Today you have your God face to face, live as He is in heaven, and you forget that He is all-powerful. I invite you to open your hearts tonight to receive graces and the gift of love, gift that all mankind needs. I bless you in the name of the Father, and of The Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

118 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 12/27/1988

Dear children, don´t be afraid of temptations, for I am always near you. Pray, pray, pray. I am your mother, and love you each and every moment. Don´t be lonely. When you have diffuculties, fear not, because I love you and am always at your side. You don´t know how many gifts God gives through my intercession. Pray and you will better understand this. Continue, continue, continue to pray. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that all my plans come to pass. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

119 – Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 12/31/1988

Dear children, spend the last hours of this year end with Me. 1988 has come to a close! All this year I have been at your side, helping you and showing you the Way of Truth. Thank God for being healthy and happy. My dear children, tonight I am very happy that you are here together with your Mother in Heaven. Your Heavenly Mother always wants your happiness, and so invites you to open your hearts. Pray and be converted. I want to print the seal of love on everyone´s heart. If you love everyone, you will Stay in peace. If you are at peace with everybody, love will triumph, and Jesus will remain in you. Jesus is you Father and also your Great Friend. He loves you and desires you much peace. The presence of your Heavenly Mother in many places on Earth is a perfect sign of the love of Jesus for you. I desire your complete happiness, so I give you my heart. Receive it with tenderness. Thank you for having corresponded to my appeals daily during this year. Continue, continue, continue to pray. Continue to pray for priests. Pray for vocations to the priesthood. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray that satan doesn´t manage to destroy my plans. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Anguera, Bahia, Brazil

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